Contact Us
Australia Office
L12, 680 George Street
Sydney, NSW 2000
Telephone: +61 2 8280 7497
Email: moc.s1737339331enimu1737339331danax1737339331@ofni1737339331
Mongolia Office
Suite 23, Building 9B
Olympic Street, Khoroo 1, Sukhbaatar District
Ulaanbaatar 14240, Mongolia
Telephone: +97 6 7012 0211
Facsimile: +97 6 7013 0211
Share Registry
Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd
Level 3, 60 Carrington Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Telephone: +61 1300 855 080
Email: ua.mo1737339331c.era1737339331hsret1737339331upmoc1737339331@seir1737339331euq.b1737339331ew1737339331
Postal Address
PO Box 20547
World Square NSW 2002
Alternatively, contact us via the form below with your requirements and we will be in touch with a solution that is best for you.