Governance & Policies
To ensure our business operates in an ethical and transparent manner, we have embedded Sustainability principles into the foundation of Xanadu’s corporate governance framework.
Our Board of Directors monitors Xanadu’s sustainability performance through its sub-committee, the Safety, Health and Environment Committee. The Committee meets regularly to review:
- processes in place to ensure that workplace health, safety and environment is a priority at all Xanadu operational sites;
- processes in place to facilitate compliance with all safety, occupational health related and environmental legal and regulatory requirements in each jurisdiction that Xanadu operates;
- processes in place to manage community relationships;
- the adequacy of workplace health, safety and environmental reporting systems, actual or potential accidents, breaches and incidents;
- subsequent safety investigations and remedial actions conducted by management;
- performance against Board-approved targets; and,
- appropriate opportunities to address community sensitivities in the areas in which Xanadu operates.
Download the Safety, Health and Environment Committee Charter.
The Audit and Risk Committee further assists the Board in identifying and managing potential or apparent business, economic, environmental, social sustainability and other non-financial risks. The Committee will also oversee Xanadu’s environmental risk management and workplace health and safety processes. Download the Audit and Risk Committee Charter.
Xanadu is strongly committed to maintaining ethical business practices across all our sites and offices. Our position is clearly stated in our Code of Conduct and is reflected in our Sustainability Policy. All our employees, contractors and suppliers must comply with our Code of Conduct. The Code outlines mandatory requirements in:
- ethical business (including anti-bribery and corruption);
- employment practices (including equal opportunity and anti-discrimination, harassment and offensive behaviour);
- workplace health and safety; and,
- community and environment.
Download our Code of Conduct.
Download our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy.
Download our Sustainability Policy.
For a full list of our Charters, Codes and Policies, please visit our Corporate Governance page.