About us
Xanadu’s management team is dedicated to engaging professionally and responsibly with our communities, partners and other stakeholders whilst building shareholder value.

Munkhsaikhan Dambiinyam
Chief Operating Officer
B.Acc (Honours), MSc Fin, GAICD
Munkhsaikhan is a finance professional with more than 10 years of experience in mining, mining services and financial advisory. Munkhsaikhan was formerly CFO at Xanadu Mines and previously held both CFO and Executive Director positions at a mining services firm with operations in Central Asia.
Munkhsaikhan holds a Master of Science in Finance from the University of Utah and completed an Executive Program at Western University. He is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).

Spencer Cole
Chief Development Officer and Chief Financial Officer
Spencer is a commercial and project development executive with more than 20 years in the resources sector across multiple disciplines of commercial, financial, engineering and operations. He has held corporate, operational and commercial roles in Australia and Indonesia with ABA Resources and Newcrest Mining and in the United States with ExxonMobil and Northrop Grumman. He was formerly CFO of Xanadu Mines and previously held the positions of General Manager Commercial at ABA Resources and General Manager Project Delivery at Newcrest Mining.
Spencer holds a MBA from University of Southern California, a MS-Eng from California Polytechnic University, and a BS-Eng from University of California Davis. He is a member of CPA Australia and AusIMM.

Andrew Stewart
Vice President Exploration
Dr Andrew is an exploration geologist with over 15 years’ experience in mineral exploration; primarily focused on project generation, project evaluation and exploration strategy development throughout Asia and Eastern Europe. Andrew has particular expertise in porphyry copper-gold and epithermal gold deposits, but has worked across a diverse range of commodities. Andrew has previously worked for Ivanhoe Mines and Vale, and during this time Andrew held various technical and management positions in Mongolia and Indonesia and has been involved in several green fields discoveries. After providing technical and program management for Vale in Indonesia and Mongolia. Andrew joined Xanadu Mines as Chief Geologist leading the gold and base metals project generation and evaluation team in Mongolia. Andrew is a member of the Safety, Health and Environment Committee.
Andrew holds a BSc (Hons) from Macquarie University and a PhD from the Centre of Ore Deposits and Exploration Studies at the University of Tasmania. He is a member of the Society of Economic Geologists and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.

Mat Brown
Chief Geologist
Mat has over 20 years of experience as an exploration geologist in porphyry, epithermal and iron oxide copper gold-style mineralisation in the circum-Pacific region and Australia and applies cutting edge methods of structural geology and geochemistry towards gold and base metals exploration. He has previously worked with Ivanhoe Mines for ten years, including six years as Exploration Manager in Cloncurry, Australia. He has been involved with several greenfields discoveries including the Merlin high-grade molybdenum and SWAN copper-gold deposits; and brownfields projects at Osborne, Kulthor, and Starra. Mat currently supports Xanadu Mines on a contract basis.

Bill Hundy
Company Secretary
Bill joined Xanadu Mines in January 2023 as Company Secretary. Since 2020, he has been acting as Senior Company Secretary and Solicitor for Company Matters, a company providing corporate services to various publicly traded companies. Bill is a highly experienced company secretary and lawyer and has held roles in major listed public companies for over three decades in the mining, energy and manufacturing industries, such as Origin Energy Limited, Email Limited, Placer Pacific Limited, Kidston Gold Mines Limited and Oil Company of Australia Limited.
Bill has extensive background in company secretarial practice, corporate governance, communications, compliance, risk management and insurance.